Wellness We've collected important videos and articles for you to help you relax, maintain mental health and reduce anxiety, please take time to watch 

Working from home

How to actually work when working from home
How we're preparing - working from home + self isolation
A simple 1 minute exercise for those who spend too much time with a laptop
Working remotely, with kids!

Background music

Rainy day at the coffee shop
Sounds of nature - water sounds
Concentration music
Instrumental music for working

Stay positive

TEDxSacramento - Breathing happiness
Transforming emotions - Guided meditation
Guided meditation - Manage stress
TEDxTraverseCity - Change your mindset, change the game

Getting started with meditation

Guided mindfulness meditation - 10 minutes
Beginners guide to meditation
10 minute meditation - Vipassana
Deepak Chopra - Guided meditation for beginners

Healthy body, healthy mind

5-minute daily routine: Super brain yoga
10-minute chair yoga practice
Daily Qigong routine
Yoga for anxiety - 20 minute practice